Monday, September 27, 2010

"put that coffee DOWN."..and be a fitness pro!!(ADULT LANGUAGE)

Oh boy..
Time to rev up the single best biz-speech put to celluloid,
and Alec Baldwin's best 7 mins. ever..
I understand Mamet wrote this new scene just for the movie..

Scary,having to sell one's self,finding this week's quotient of
self-confidence,reminding ourselves exactly what we have to offer..
Interpersonal contact,asking  a new client to trust in you,as
the qualified fitness/wellness practitioner you claim to be..
Our"payoff" must always be how we impacted,in the best way possible,
the lives of those we serve,our clients.
Hey--make no mistake--I LOVE $$$$$$,i would LOVE to retire before
i DIE....but i watch this clip..
1.Because everyone ROCKS,and
2.It's a sobering reminder that I am NOT as bad off as these guys!!
3. I don't ever have to become someone i'm NOT,just for the Steak Knives..or the Caddy.
All the more reason that,at the end of the day...maybe i haven't
recouped my 401 K $ "hit" from 2009,BUT i'll still sleep OK,
knowing i helped:
My parkinson's client
My TKR client
My double hip replacement client all lead a MORE functional life.
..and showed 3 folks the value of Tabata training with ropes..
..and that's before lunch!!
Ah,Al with a jawline....Back to work!!


  1. I truly like this post! This is probably the most revisited concern in a fitness professionals mind- when do I cross the line between running a business to help people and selling out to make a quick buck. I like this, great food for thought.
