Monday, February 21, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

"biggest loser" is kettlebell certified,beotch!!!!

please tell me WHAT KB educational organization?
Josh H. is the real deal..take a second to read his site..
This just raises my BP...what do YOU think?
"The BIGGEST LOSER is a GAME SHOW where morbidly obese contestants vie for big cash prizes" (the ends do NOT justify the MEANS)

Now,if you'll excuse me,i'm off to train my client,safely!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


My mother had a great saying she got from HER mother:
"i felt sorry for myself because i had no SHOES,,till i met a man who had no FEET"
Damn,Mom !!!
My biggest life-struggle for years has been not getting enough sleep,quality sleep....then i got

The folks fighting for my right
to bitch,and THEIR "sleep-quarters"
in the fields of Iraq........

THANK YOU to all who continue to serve !!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Favorite Super Bowl ad using an undersized Darth Vader

...and honorable mention...'lest we forget....Rick Moranis..

..And to think, the academy didn't even CONSIDER David Prowse for....
"Best performance by an unseen actor"

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Breaking plateaus,,,'Lookin for 'clues..

So,a Spring day here in NY means get OUTSIDE!!
This week's comeback workout menu includes...A/B sessions,
Meaning upper body load one day,lower body the next+ab work
(here it's KB pullovers + Janda curls,planks,Mountain climbers) AND
KB my hip is starting to feel better/stronger!!!
NO--i did NOT eat the 'chips--they go in the freezer til Valentine's day!
Amazing how much PAIN i seem to be in...i'm NOT,it's just shock at how
quickly we can lose that "mind-muscle" hookup..when i had to to quit 'lifting,i
was using 100%-150% MORE wheight,even with these "simple" moves..BTW
Mike Mahler is the MAN--i trust he has a sense of humor as broad as his generosity
and knowledge base...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

FOAM ROLLING part 1.......

So Sara..rough time @ the boot camp?Feeling sore?
Here's what i put my favorites through: SMR is underused in gyms:
So important...before, to warm up and open up,after, to help with

looking to adopt?--KITTY MADNESS

Leave it to them up in Canada!!--and wait for the 'dog...!!