Wednesday, February 2, 2011

FOAM ROLLING part 1.......

So Sara..rough time @ the boot camp?Feeling sore?
Here's what i put my favorites through: SMR is underused in gyms:
So important...before, to warm up and open up,after, to help with


  1. Awesome!! Thank you! I feel like I have you as my own personal trainer! So....I needn't be afraid to say I engage in SMR, huh? I don't have one of those and assume a big can of soup won't do so guess whose stopping at the store on the way home. Iris said a pool noodle was too thin! LOVE YOU!! and Thanks. Why do only 23 y/o run Bootcamps? They're collectively trying to kill me :)

  2. Dude, very informative and succinct! Excellent effort and final product.

  3. Foam rolling is absolutely the best. Especially for us over 50! I couldn't live without it. I do it meditatively, like Yoga to really dig deep into my bodily-stored issues. Keeps me fit in all areas of body-mind-soul!
