What's YOUR favorite "cheat food""??
Double chocolate was not bad enough? Red velvet not #$@^'ed up enough?
I KNOW..let's make a COMBO--that'll really mess with Jason's resolve !!!
Understand--this kinda stuff is NOT in my kitchen,as the best way to stay on the good-foot,
training wise,,,is to not allow such crap in the house!!!
Still....$3.69 was the SALE price...and they're gone now...so.....
.. the blogsite of Jason K.. Classical BASSIST, Competitive FENCER, Personal TRAINER, KETTLEBELL expert,and ?
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Tower of Power: Does this Bald-spot make me look OLD ?
I dunno....
...it seemed like everyone had a baldspot in the crowd @ TOP when we caught 'em a few nights back--got me thinking..does this mean anything?
Yeah,Yeah..over thinking again..just enjoy this archive clip !!
The baddest band in the land:
The baddest horn section on the planet:
...it seemed like everyone had a baldspot in the crowd @ TOP when we caught 'em a few nights back--got me thinking..does this mean anything?
Yeah,Yeah..over thinking again..just enjoy this archive clip !!
The baddest band in the land:
The baddest horn section on the planet:
pop culcha
Monday, November 7, 2011
..be WATER,my friend
I lifted this whole from
"Begin to dig",a great place for GS and KB
opinions and inspiration:
In his book, 'Zen in the Martial Arts,' (1979) Joe Hyams recounts the story of his first meeting with Bruce Lee. Now, I apologize for using a figure that is arguably the most overused in advertising products for strength, power, and personal development, but the lesson described here undoubtedly applies:
"Do you realize you will have to unlearn all you have learned and start over again?"
"No," I said. Bruce smiled and placed his hand lightly on my shoulder. "Let me tell you a story my sifu told me," he said. "It is about a Japanese Zen master who received a university professor who came to inquire about Zen.
It was obvious to the master from the start of the conversation that the professor was not so much interested in learning about Zen as he was in impressing the master with his opinions and knowledge. The master listened patiently and finally suggested they have tea. The master poured the visitor's cup full and then kept on pouring.
The professor watched the cup overflowing until he could no longer restrain himself. 'The cup is overfull, no more will go in!'
'Like this cup,' the master said, 'you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?'
Bruce studied my face. "You understand the point?"
"Yes," I said. "You want me to empty my mind of past knowledge and old habits so that I will be open to new learning."
"Precisely," said Bruce. "And now you are ready to begin your first lesson."
"Begin to dig",a great place for GS and KB
opinions and inspiration:
In his book, 'Zen in the Martial Arts,' (1979) Joe Hyams recounts the story of his first meeting with Bruce Lee. Now, I apologize for using a figure that is arguably the most overused in advertising products for strength, power, and personal development, but the lesson described here undoubtedly applies:
"Do you realize you will have to unlearn all you have learned and start over again?"
"No," I said. Bruce smiled and placed his hand lightly on my shoulder. "Let me tell you a story my sifu told me," he said. "It is about a Japanese Zen master who received a university professor who came to inquire about Zen.
It was obvious to the master from the start of the conversation that the professor was not so much interested in learning about Zen as he was in impressing the master with his opinions and knowledge. The master listened patiently and finally suggested they have tea. The master poured the visitor's cup full and then kept on pouring.
The professor watched the cup overflowing until he could no longer restrain himself. 'The cup is overfull, no more will go in!'
'Like this cup,' the master said, 'you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?'
Bruce studied my face. "You understand the point?"
"Yes," I said. "You want me to empty my mind of past knowledge and old habits so that I will be open to new learning."
"Precisely," said Bruce. "And now you are ready to begin your first lesson."
Thursday, October 27, 2011
FREE AB TRAINING REPORT is here...the people REJOYCE !!!
Well,the people are no longer marching up my block with flaming torches...
Jump over to my KB 'blog to get on the good foot by using the box marked
"FREE REPORT" ...so far folks say "yea"..and everyone loves my training pal..
Jump over to my KB 'blog to get on the good foot by using the box marked
"FREE REPORT" ...so far folks say "yea"..and everyone loves my training pal..
mountain climber exercise
4 strategies to burn fat around the clock
.....I really DON'T promote another guy's product very often,if at all.
BUT Joel M. has proved to be a guy who can back up his claims with the science..,
while CB...well if you know me at all,you know i really consider him an
The fact that these two cats are rolling out a Fat-Loss program
Check out the info HERE:
The plan will be available on Nov, 8th....
.. Please download the FREE report now if you haven't already
(page 9 and page 13 WOKE ME UP!!
just the info on "combining"...was way-cool !!!)
check the free report right here:
24/7 Fat Loss Report - 4 strategies to burn fat around the clock
Talk soon,
Jason K.
24 7 fat loss
Thursday, September 8, 2011
is this the death of fitness?
Or,put it another way,who cares about ADL anymore?
(activities of daily living,that is...)i HELP clients tie their shoes!!
Gaze upon the terror/wonder of
MARTY McFLY'S closet!!
(activities of daily living,that is...)i HELP clients tie their shoes!!
Gaze upon the terror/wonder of
MARTY McFLY'S closet!!
dig out your copy of BTTF:2...NOW!!
You heard it here first,BEFORE Letterman!
deep thoughts.....
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Week #3 of GS training--no disrespect to the departed-
Ill keep training both
Jerk and Snatch each
workout for 4 more,then go old school,and dedicate 1 day to each of the 2 biathalon lifts:
Today's program:
30" btw sets,3 mins. btw lifts..
THEN..hill sprints X 12..20" rest at bottom...
Ill keep training both
Jerk and Snatch each
workout for 4 more,then go old school,and dedicate 1 day to each of the 2 biathalon lifts:
Today's program:
30" btw sets,3 mins. btw lifts..
THEN..hill sprints X 12..20" rest at bottom...
Arm-in-sling??--work your BUTT!!
Really wanted to share a great example of how we can always get a good workout in,
WITH DOCTOR'S FULL CLEARANCE,of course...(claro..)
I spotted this hot Cuban chick in the gym who told me she had just had rotator cuff
surgery 5 days earlier-she was workin' it!:(shown here=step ups)
All moves were done with Gymboss clipped to her collar=20"work/10"rest/4 rounds ..
5 Must-Do Butt Exercises
WITH DOCTOR'S FULL CLEARANCE,of course...(claro..)
I spotted this hot Cuban chick in the gym who told me she had just had rotator cuff
surgery 5 days earlier-she was workin' it!:(shown here=step ups)
All moves were done with Gymboss clipped to her collar=20"work/10"rest/4 rounds ..
5 Must-Do Butt Exercises
We all want a nice booty, right?
Incorporate the following best backside exercises in your regular strength routine and you'll burn fat, shape and firm your booty, sculpt surrounding muscle groups, and rev up your metabolism.
1. Kettlebell Swings(we did BW squats...)
Kettlebell swings combine strength and cardio training to redefine your backside. In addition to toning your glutes and hip flexors, you'll work your core, and cardiovascular system (an all-in-one exercise). Stand with your legs shoulder width apart. Place the kettlebell about one foot in front of you. Push your hips backward, with a slight bend in the knee (shins almost vertical) and reach forward, placing both hands on the kettlebell. From your "hike position" (hips pushed backward, back flat, and chest out) hike the kettlebell behind you, with a purpose (don't let go).Drive your hips forward, while contracting your glutes and tucking your tailbone under, to swing the kettlebell (always above the knees) until you are standing at "attention" with your hands about chest height.
Important Tips: Always make sure to keep your abs tight (this will keep your lower back protected.) Keep your neck in line with the rest of your spine. Always drive the swing with your hips and NOT your arms. If the bell ever gets too far out in front of you, never reach for it- just let it drop!
2. Lunges
Lunges are a workout staple that will firm your butt and tone your legs. Start with your feet hip width apart then step forward with one leg. Keeping your abs tight, chest high, and spine straight, sink down into the move until your front thigh is parallel to the floor and your back knee is almost touching the ground. Concentrate on squeezing your glutes as you push through your front heel back to the starting position. Important tip: don't let your moving knee extend past your toes.
3. Step Ups
This is a great exercise for your butt as well as your quads and calves. Step ups also increase your heart rate so you'll get the extra benefit of fat-blasting cardio. Stand with your right foot firmly planted on a step or a bench, your left foot on the floor. Push down through your right heel to straighten and stand on your right leg, squeezing your glutes at the top of the movement. At the same time, pull your left leg forward and up, knee bent 90 degrees and raised waist-high. Lower your left leg back to the ground, then step your right foot down. Alternate legs to make one rep.
4. Hip Extensions(she sub'ed SHELC--next post,ill explain!!)
Like lunges, hip extensions can be performed anywhere and without equipment. The key to this movement is positioning your weight so that your butt does the brunt of the work, not your legs. On your hands and knees, you'll focus the main effort in your glutes and lower back without involving your hamstrings. Tighten your core and squeeze your butt to lift one leg toward the ceiling, keeping the 90 degree bend and flexing your foot so you're reaching with your heel as you raise your thigh in line with your spine. Keep the movement slow and controlled to the top and then back down again.
5. One-Legged Deadlifts
One-legged deadlifts do triple duty, activating your muscles for a highly effective toning session that works your butt, hamstrings, and lower back. , stand with your feet hip width apart, knees soft. Keeping your weight firmly on your left leg, lean forward from your hips, reaching the dumbbells toward your left foot and raising your right leg out behind you. Remember to keep your core tight and not round your back. Now stand straight, squeezing your glutes as you come back to start. Do a full series of reps before switching to your right leg for the second half of the set.
Nice job!!!
Incorporate the following best backside exercises in your regular strength routine and you'll burn fat, shape and firm your booty, sculpt surrounding muscle groups, and rev up your metabolism.
1. Kettlebell Swings(we did BW squats...)
Kettlebell swings combine strength and cardio training to redefine your backside. In addition to toning your glutes and hip flexors, you'll work your core, and cardiovascular system (an all-in-one exercise). Stand with your legs shoulder width apart. Place the kettlebell about one foot in front of you. Push your hips backward, with a slight bend in the knee (shins almost vertical) and reach forward, placing both hands on the kettlebell. From your "hike position" (hips pushed backward, back flat, and chest out) hike the kettlebell behind you, with a purpose (don't let go).Drive your hips forward, while contracting your glutes and tucking your tailbone under, to swing the kettlebell (always above the knees) until you are standing at "attention" with your hands about chest height.
Important Tips: Always make sure to keep your abs tight (this will keep your lower back protected.) Keep your neck in line with the rest of your spine. Always drive the swing with your hips and NOT your arms. If the bell ever gets too far out in front of you, never reach for it- just let it drop!
2. Lunges
Lunges are a workout staple that will firm your butt and tone your legs. Start with your feet hip width apart then step forward with one leg. Keeping your abs tight, chest high, and spine straight, sink down into the move until your front thigh is parallel to the floor and your back knee is almost touching the ground. Concentrate on squeezing your glutes as you push through your front heel back to the starting position. Important tip: don't let your moving knee extend past your toes.
3. Step Ups
This is a great exercise for your butt as well as your quads and calves. Step ups also increase your heart rate so you'll get the extra benefit of fat-blasting cardio. Stand with your right foot firmly planted on a step or a bench, your left foot on the floor. Push down through your right heel to straighten and stand on your right leg, squeezing your glutes at the top of the movement. At the same time, pull your left leg forward and up, knee bent 90 degrees and raised waist-high. Lower your left leg back to the ground, then step your right foot down. Alternate legs to make one rep.
4. Hip Extensions(she sub'ed SHELC--next post,ill explain!!)
Like lunges, hip extensions can be performed anywhere and without equipment. The key to this movement is positioning your weight so that your butt does the brunt of the work, not your legs. On your hands and knees, you'll focus the main effort in your glutes and lower back without involving your hamstrings. Tighten your core and squeeze your butt to lift one leg toward the ceiling, keeping the 90 degree bend and flexing your foot so you're reaching with your heel as you raise your thigh in line with your spine. Keep the movement slow and controlled to the top and then back down again.
5. One-Legged Deadlifts
One-legged deadlifts do triple duty, activating your muscles for a highly effective toning session that works your butt, hamstrings, and lower back. , stand with your feet hip width apart, knees soft. Keeping your weight firmly on your left leg, lean forward from your hips, reaching the dumbbells toward your left foot and raising your right leg out behind you. Remember to keep your core tight and not round your back. Now stand straight, squeezing your glutes as you come back to start. Do a full series of reps before switching to your right leg for the second half of the set.
Nice job!!!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
GUEST POST: stretching for better GOLF !
This week,my golf-guy Tom Grimaldi has some thoughts on your pre-golf routine:
Here's Tom:
Here's Tom:
Its Friday afternoon you just left work to meet your buddies for that round of golf you've been waiting for all week,you rush to the range to hit a few balls and off you are to the first tee,thinking I'm gonna hit this drive 300 yards down the middle and next thing you feel is something painful ...wow that hurts! that's the common mistake of not getting the body warmed up.after several lessons learned for myself ,,,,you need to stretch".think about it ,watch the pros in any sport before a game and what do you see? trainers working with the athletes moving their bodies and helping to prevent injuries.We, the proverbial weekend warriors that we are, totally forget what our bodies need to help us stay off the DL,the season is short enough so don't forget to work with a trainer so you're buddies wont have to look for someone to take your place in the foursome!
Here are a few stretches to loosen you up for your round: 1) take a larger than shoulder's width stance,bend at the hip and let gravity lower you're body ( great for hamstrings& back) 2) take a club and place it behind your back ,so the club rests at the elbows , take you're stance and rotate you're body as you would to swing the club( gets the torso and hips loose) 3) hold on to a golf cart with both hands and stretch your back by straightening your arms and leaning back( gets you're lats and shoulders loose) Thank You, Tommy G. * Personal Fitness Trainer * CPT/ * CPR/ AED * Integrated Stretching |
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Gotta be the SHOES-MICHAEL DUNKS AT AGE 48.....
Friday, July 8, 2011
Flippin out on July 4th
Funkier than it looks!!
BIG posterior chain work,especially going UPHILL!!
BIG posterior chain work,especially going UPHILL!!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
SUMMER'S HERE!!--food log alert!!BEEP
Yeah, the days get SHORTER...but that's not till...
so dig a repeat of my ramblings on how being
accountable for what goes IN can help you with what
hangs OUT..(click HERE..)
Make it the best Summer ever!!
..PS:CHESTER says"please subscribe to our
you tube channel?--it's HOT out here!!"........
so dig a repeat of my ramblings on how being
accountable for what goes IN can help you with what
hangs OUT..(click HERE..)
Make it the best Summer ever!!
..PS:CHESTER says"please subscribe to our
you tube channel?--it's HOT out here!!"........
eat better Monday,
food porn
Monday, June 20, 2011
climb every MOUNTAIN
,......for stronger ABDOMINALS,that is!
A FREE 'report should be ready to download
by next week,,,,in the interim here's the
A FREE 'report should be ready to download
by next week,,,,in the interim here's the
Mt. climbers
Guest post:PLANKS !!! Jennifer Hintenberger:
I love Jennifer's videos:
Gotta love the work ethic,and the great
camera placement on those KB workouts!!-
Here's Jen:
--Using combinations of planks is a great way to build endurance in the abdominals, back and stabilizers. Developing core strength is critical as the core is the platform for every other functional movement. To improve strength in push-ups, deadlifts, squats, rows, presses, etc it is essential to have solid abdominal and back muscles with endurance to safely support the movement.
The side plank is a static exercise used to strengthen the abdominals, back and shoulders. Compared to a plank on both hands or forearms, the side plank places more of the load on the oblique muscles. You will feel the obliques (side of your stomach) closest to the ground firing to lift the hips and fight the gravity that is trying to force your body toward the ground. This is one benefit of combining side planks with other variations of planks such as mountain climbers and marching planks (as shown in the video) – not to mention the development of strong shoulder stabilizers. Training these movements together will create BALANCE in your abdominal and lower back muscles
She was kind enough to share this video:(link to her you tube channel for more!!)
Gotta love the work ethic,and the great
camera placement on those KB workouts!!-
Here's Jen:
--Using combinations of planks is a great way to build endurance in the abdominals, back and stabilizers. Developing core strength is critical as the core is the platform for every other functional movement. To improve strength in push-ups, deadlifts, squats, rows, presses, etc it is essential to have solid abdominal and back muscles with endurance to safely support the movement.
The side plank is a static exercise used to strengthen the abdominals, back and shoulders. Compared to a plank on both hands or forearms, the side plank places more of the load on the oblique muscles. You will feel the obliques (side of your stomach) closest to the ground firing to lift the hips and fight the gravity that is trying to force your body toward the ground. This is one benefit of combining side planks with other variations of planks such as mountain climbers and marching planks (as shown in the video) – not to mention the development of strong shoulder stabilizers. Training these movements together will create BALANCE in your abdominal and lower back muscles
She was kind enough to share this video:(link to her you tube channel for more!!)
body weight workouts
Monday, June 13, 2011
B-1 + Birthday workout
Made it!!
Here's what i did for my birthday--check out the
great workouts from Turbulence Training:something for everyone..
This is a great example of a "depletion" workout,where we
want to force a LOT of effort over a workout by using
insufficient recovery periods between moves/circuits:
"as little rest as possible"--to wit:
30" each move,non-stop,for 4 rounds,'though you could take it to
20 mins.for different capacity workout.
Doing a JERK set with 2 bags of Kingsford characol briquettes(40 lbs)
seemed like a nice way to finish things off,what with BBQ season here..
The moves:
(KB swings,pushups/plank,goblet squat,mountain climbers,split lunges)
Made it!!
![]() |
No lighter fluid needed!! |
great workouts from Turbulence Training:something for everyone..
This is a great example of a "depletion" workout,where we
want to force a LOT of effort over a workout by using
insufficient recovery periods between moves/circuits:
"as little rest as possible"--to wit:
30" each move,non-stop,for 4 rounds,'though you could take it to
20 mins.for different capacity workout.
Doing a JERK set with 2 bags of Kingsford characol briquettes(40 lbs)
seemed like a nice way to finish things off,what with BBQ season here..
The moves:
(KB swings,pushups/plank,goblet squat,mountain climbers,split lunges)
Friday, June 10, 2011
B-3:KETTLEBELLS!!!..("don't tell my PT!!)
Yeah,I know,i have been testing the hip
pretty solid for a week now,but with only hours left to B-day,i had
to take it to the'platform:
So great to see Mike,Kimmy and Sherry again,to suck in the chalk dust
and hit it!!
*l/c PP 4'-2mph-10rpm-16kg
*1/2 SN 4'-2mph-14-16rpm-12kg
*JERK 2'-1mph-8rpm-20kg
(1' rest btw lifts=AKC level 11?)
Technique was not what tonight was about--
staring down the "fear factor" with maturity and conviction was..
..I will,of course,continue my PT and my training,while exploring the
addition of somatic rehab protacols to keep me challenged!!
pretty solid for a week now,but with only hours left to B-day,i had
to take it to the'platform:
So great to see Mike,Kimmy and Sherry again,to suck in the chalk dust
and hit it!!
*l/c PP 4'-2mph-10rpm-16kg
*1/2 SN 4'-2mph-14-16rpm-12kg
*JERK 2'-1mph-8rpm-20kg
(1' rest btw lifts=AKC level 11?)
Technique was not what tonight was about--
staring down the "fear factor" with maturity and conviction was..
..I will,of course,continue my PT and my training,while exploring the
addition of somatic rehab protacols to keep me challenged!!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
B-4:the "THOR-LITE" finisher...
As promised,evidence that you don't need to spend a lotta $$$ on therapy,if you have a tire and
something to smash it with!!
My hip still inhibits my ROM,but,you get the idea..20"ON/10" REST X 8 rounds=
Visions of Col. Kurtz...
Lots of core power,rotation+ flexion,and a good meta--boost..
"Never get off the BOAT!!"
something to smash it with!!
My hip still inhibits my ROM,but,you get the idea..20"ON/10" REST X 8 rounds=
Visions of Col. Kurtz...
Lots of core power,rotation+ flexion,and a good meta--boost..
"Never get off the BOAT!!"
10-Minute Intense Interval Calorie Challenge
10-Minute Intense Interval Calorie Challenge
Craig Ballantyne has always been one of the guys i trust to share great fitness content..
As I have been using some similar training ideas this past training cycle in an effort to explore
how specific types of workouts can impact hormones,i thought i'd share a recent 'post frm his
page for you...
Craig Ballantyne has always been one of the guys i trust to share great fitness content..
As I have been using some similar training ideas this past training cycle in an effort to explore
how specific types of workouts can impact hormones,i thought i'd share a recent 'post frm his
page for you...
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
B-5 and counting!!!
So,it's down to the last 4 workouts...and i feel good,i knew that i would now:
Check this mash up-all the same workout,done on my "fasting"day,in an effort to jack even more
fat-burn than usual.
The take-home is:use tabatas and complexes with minimum rest to keep the fat fires burning..
Include a:
Here i work for both time and count(20/10 AND total # reps each exercise,for 3 rounds)
I love smashing a tire as a alternative "finisher" to KB work!!(ask me to post a vid?-i will!)
Next post will discuss the theory behind both
Lactic Acid training and Metabolic workouts,with props to those who inspird ME,so check back here
Check this mash up-all the same workout,done on my "fasting"day,in an effort to jack even more
fat-burn than usual.
The take-home is:use tabatas and complexes with minimum rest to keep the fat fires burning..
Include a:
Here i work for both time and count(20/10 AND total # reps each exercise,for 3 rounds)
I love smashing a tire as a alternative "finisher" to KB work!!(ask me to post a vid?-i will!)
Next post will discuss the theory behind both
Lactic Acid training and Metabolic workouts,with props to those who inspird ME,so check back here
body weight workouts
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Feel-bad double feature of the week(2 GREAT FLICKS!!)
"A Clockwork Orange " has always been a personal fave--watching it the year it came out,waiting 2 generations to see it again..then just a few months back
-Kubrick? Malcom?...sublime,and the likes of which we won't ever see again.
I mean,what studio is their right mind would/could make this movie today?
SO,when i tripped over "BRONSON"--i knew i found a flick that could serve as a great appetizer:
Aussie(Kiwi?)Tom Hardy kicked in the background in INception ...
turns in the most bug-nutz acting job i've seen in a few years..and dig the use of music.....
-Kubrick? Malcom?...sublime,and the likes of which we won't ever see again.
I mean,what studio is their right mind would/could make this movie today?
SO,when i tripped over "BRONSON"--i knew i found a flick that could serve as a great appetizer:
Aussie(Kiwi?)Tom Hardy kicked in the background in INception ...

Friday, April 1, 2011
Announcing my KB certification course (enrollment ENDS @ Midnight tonight)
As a co-operative effort between the worlds of the KB and ASPCA,the 9-day,81-hour event will include
both a written and practical component,weather at the zoo permitting..cost will be determined by size and weight of animal you use for classic Russian lifts..
A former graduate demos the Windmill:
Thanks to Perform Better and Petco,"Where the Pets go"
both a written and practical component,weather at the zoo permitting..cost will be determined by size and weight of animal you use for classic Russian lifts..
A former graduate demos the Windmill:
Thanks to Perform Better and Petco,"Where the Pets go"
Thursday, March 31, 2011
THOR gets tasered...oh...oh
...Again this guy put on....like 40lbs for the part!!!!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Was the KB broken?"it's not the INDIAN....it's the ARROW"....well,kinda..
ON sale this week @ Target:
..Which,when you think about it...protect the forearm with 'bands/guards...or..BOB's design...
It's just that,well:
As much as Bob's KB's got appeal...
..Seems like the Russians have been AOK for like,
100 years......
Why re-invent the wheel?
Or ARE these"better mousetraps"?
..Which,when you think about it...protect the forearm with 'bands/guards...or..BOB's design...
It's just that,well:
As much as Bob's KB's got appeal...
..Seems like the Russians have been AOK for like,
100 years......
Why re-invent the wheel?
Or ARE these"better mousetraps"?
Monday, February 21, 2011
Kobe:cool,but i still miss SPIKE and MIKE...
..."that's COLD,man..........."(my fave..)
Thursday, February 10, 2011
"biggest loser" is kettlebell certified,beotch!!!!
please tell me ...by WHAT KB educational organization?
Josh H. is the real deal..take a second to read his site..
This just raises my BP...what do YOU think?
Now,if you'll excuse me,i'm off to train my client,safely!!
Josh H. is the real deal..take a second to read his site..
This just raises my BP...what do YOU think?
![]() | ||||
"The BIGGEST LOSER is a GAME SHOW where morbidly obese contestants vie for big cash prizes" | (the ends do NOT justify the MEANS) |
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
My mother had a great saying she got from HER mother:
"i felt sorry for myself because i had no SHOES,,till i met a man who had no FEET"
Damn,Mom !!!
My biggest life-struggle for years has been not getting enough sleep,quality sleep....then i got
The folks fighting for my right
to bitch,and THEIR "sleep-quarters"
in the fields of Iraq........
THANK YOU to all who continue to serve !!!
"i felt sorry for myself because i had no SHOES,,till i met a man who had no FEET"
Damn,Mom !!!
My biggest life-struggle for years has been not getting enough sleep,quality sleep....then i got
The folks fighting for my right
to bitch,and THEIR "sleep-quarters"
in the fields of Iraq........
THANK YOU to all who continue to serve !!!
deep thoughts.....
Monday, February 7, 2011
Favorite Super Bowl ad using an undersized Darth Vader
...and honorable mention...'lest we forget....Rick Moranis..
..And to think, the academy didn't even CONSIDER David Prowse for....
"Best performance by an unseen actor"
pop culcha
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Breaking plateaus,,,'Lookin for 'clues..
So,a Spring day here in NY means get OUTSIDE!!
This week's comeback workout menu includes...A/B sessions,
Meaning upper body load one day,lower body the next+ab work
(here it's KB pullovers + Janda curls,planks,Mountain climbers) AND
KB SWINGS..as my hip is starting to feel better/stronger!!!
NO--i did NOT eat the 'chips--they go in the freezer til Valentine's day!
Amazing how much PAIN i seem to be in...i'm NOT,it's just shock at how
quickly we can lose that "mind-muscle" hookup..when i had to to quit 'lifting,i
was using 100%-150% MORE wheight,even with these "simple" moves..BTW
Mike Mahler is the MAN--i trust he has a sense of humor as broad as his generosity
and knowledge base...
This week's comeback workout menu includes...A/B sessions,
Meaning upper body load one day,lower body the next+ab work
(here it's KB pullovers + Janda curls,planks,Mountain climbers) AND
KB SWINGS..as my hip is starting to feel better/stronger!!!
NO--i did NOT eat the 'chips--they go in the freezer til Valentine's day!
Amazing how much PAIN i seem to be in...i'm NOT,it's just shock at how
quickly we can lose that "mind-muscle" hookup..when i had to to quit 'lifting,i
was using 100%-150% MORE wheight,even with these "simple" moves..BTW
Mike Mahler is the MAN--i trust he has a sense of humor as broad as his generosity
and knowledge base...
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
FOAM ROLLING part 1.......
So Sara..rough time @ the boot camp?Feeling sore?
Here's what i put my favorites through: SMR is underused in gyms:
So important...before, to warm up and open up,after, to help with
Here's what i put my favorites through: SMR is underused in gyms:
So important...before, to warm up and open up,after, to help with
foam rolling series
looking to adopt?--KITTY MADNESS
Leave it to them up in Canada!!--and wait for the 'dog...!!
Leave it to them up in Canada!!--and wait for the 'dog...!!
deep thoughts.....
Monday, January 24, 2011
FOOD PORN-football McNuggets
Big shout out to Mr.Sincere Hogan,
for posting the original idea..i just put a little
'spin on it...
It always pays to...make your OWN,, and they taste good--ood.!!
..And,remind me to burn that sweater!!
for posting the original idea..i just put a little
'spin on it...
..And,remind me to burn that sweater!!
food porn
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Another Namath image:the GUARANTEE....
.........What a performance!!......
Namath of the day:'back in the 'day!!
Here's another example of Broadway Joe's market appeal,off the field:
Friday, January 21, 2011
Namath of the day,addendum
..A little shaky,but tells it like it was!!
..and the reason you get to enjoy a game right to the bitter end..even if one team is
1,000,000 points ahead!!
Namath of the day
To say the great Joe Namath is an iconic
figure is to say pro football is big business.
It wasn't always that way...I remember
Broadway Joe as much from his movies,
Shaving cream ads and tricked out fur coats
as from his tenure with the JETS..
(By the way,only Walt Frazier rocked a
floor-length fur like Joe!)
As the Jets enjoy another great week,i have
to revel in some great memories from the past..
So here's a shot of his unique "takeback...
figure is to say pro football is big business.
It wasn't always that way...I remember
Broadway Joe as much from his movies,
Shaving cream ads and tricked out fur coats
as from his tenure with the JETS..
(By the way,only Walt Frazier rocked a
floor-length fur like Joe!)
As the Jets enjoy another great week,i have
to revel in some great memories from the past..
So here's a shot of his unique "takeback...
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Touching the KETTLEBELL for the FIRST time this year!!!
So,rehabbing the 'hip is going well,and today in NY we
are digging out of snowstorm #3,meaning i am IN HOUSE!!
The workout:
Alternate between :
Swings and HINDU Squats,Tabata-style(20"ON,10"REST)
(Air guitar =optional)...I used a light'bell,8kg.,to feel my way..
PLEASE--do NOT try my hip stability move--until/unless you rip
a labrum,which i wish on NOBODY !!
Tabata=8 rounds/4 mins+ TGU,warm up,Ab work=35 mins. and DONE!!
..I am really digging wearing TOESOX for lifting..kinda the poor man's
Vibram 5-fingers!!!
are digging out of snowstorm #3,meaning i am IN HOUSE!!
The workout:
Alternate between :
Swings and HINDU Squats,Tabata-style(20"ON,10"REST)
(Air guitar =optional)...I used a light'bell,8kg.,to feel my way..
PLEASE--do NOT try my hip stability move--until/unless you rip
a labrum,which i wish on NOBODY !!
Tabata=8 rounds/4 mins+ TGU,warm up,Ab work=35 mins. and DONE!!
..I am really digging wearing TOESOX for lifting..kinda the poor man's
Vibram 5-fingers!!!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Blizzardo-Lube ya' shovel
OK,OK-because you DEMANDED it..
..well maybe morbid curiosity asked about it..
Dealing with the next snowday,
Real men wear Armani....
..well maybe morbid curiosity asked about it..
Dealing with the next snowday,
Real men wear Armani....
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
real life KUNG FU PANDA...
OK-new year's resolution:teach the cats to use a can opener to open their own
DAMN can of '9 lives @ 5:00AM....
I don't ignore the real issues we face in 2011,but i dare you to not 'zone out @
approx. the 1:14 mark when Jack Black goes big-air with that 'staff!!
DAMN can of '9 lives @ 5:00AM....
I don't ignore the real issues we face in 2011,but i dare you to not 'zone out @
approx. the 1:14 mark when Jack Black goes big-air with that 'staff!!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
FOOD PORN...make that FOOD PREP....
So,the first full week of the new year starts early,so today,as usual
I cooked for the week ahead:
left-to-right=chicken breasts,sweet potato "fries",and turkey "muffins"..
I don't know about you,but for me,
the biggest training obstacle to get on top of can be..
So the "Sunday-ritual" of cooking makes it easy to keep my eating in the
"healthy,no-brainer" mode...
Make an effort to do like-wise:
..Your training will go smoother!!
(PS-the above TASTES better than it LOOKS!!)
Listen,the holidays are....wait for it...
and while i allowed myself only 4"treat" days
from Thanksgiving to tonight....midnight....it'll be good to get back on track after New Year's:
I cooked for the week ahead:
left-to-right=chicken breasts,sweet potato "fries",and turkey "muffins"..
I don't know about you,but for me,
the biggest training obstacle to get on top of can be..
So the "Sunday-ritual" of cooking makes it easy to keep my eating in the
"healthy,no-brainer" mode...
Make an effort to do like-wise:
..Your training will go smoother!!
(PS-the above TASTES better than it LOOKS!!)
Listen,the holidays are....wait for it...
and while i allowed myself only 4"treat" days
from Thanksgiving to tonight....midnight....it'll be good to get back on track after New Year's:
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it's a JOKE,people... | Chester drinks WHITE with kibble... |
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